Comes with bridge plate, trem block, trem claw and screws, 3x trem springs, 6x trem mounting screws, allen wrench, 6x saddles w/springs and screws and trem arm with tip.


Bridge Plate same as BP-0611-***

Trem block same as BP-0016-000

Trem spring claw same as BP-0109-000

Trem spring claw screws same as GS-0039-001

Trem springs same as BP-0019-010

Tremolo mounting screws same as GS-0013-***

Allen wrench same as AW-0213-003 (1.5mm)

Trem arm same as BP-0017-***


Saddles - Bent metal Fender style "S" shape

Length of saddle: 21mm

Width of saddle: 10.89mm

Saddle height screws (metric) lengths : 8 at 10mm (same as GS-0048-003)

                                                            : 4 at 8mm (same as GS-0049-003)

                                              diameter : all at 3.4mm (M3)

Intonation screws (metric) lengths: 16.8mm (same as GS-3324-005)

                                      diameter : 2.9mm