Guitar & Bass Parts
Bodies This is where the description goes. You might want to put it in paragraph tags
Necks This is where the description goes. You might want to put it in paragraph tags
Bridges Parts & Tail Pieces This is where the description goes. You might want to put it in paragraph tags
Electronics This is where the description goes. You might want to put it in paragraph tags
Hardware This is where the description goes. You might want to put it in paragraph tags
Knobs & Switch Tips This is where the description goes. You might want to put it in paragraph tags
Neck Parts This is where the description goes. You might want to put it in paragraph tags
Pick Guards/Scratch plates & covers This is where the description goes. You might want to put it in paragraph tags
Pick ups & pick up parts This is where the description goes. You might want to put it in paragraph tags
Tuning Keys This is where the description goes. You might want to put it in paragraph tags